Album: Mobile Album Information


Album: Mobile Album Information

The album module provides multiple interfaces for applications to access system album.

Developers can determine whether these interfaces work in the EdgerOS mobile App environment through the following code:

edger.env().then(data => {
  if (data.env === 'edgerapp') {
    // We work in EdgerOS mobile App environment.
}).catch(error => {



Query all albums to obtain detailed information for each individual album.

  • Returns: {Promise} Fulfill upon success with an array object.

The returned query results can contain the following members:

  • albums {Array} An array containing album objects, each of which includes the following members:
    • count {Number}: Number of items.
    • name {String}: Name of the album.
    • path {String}: Path of the album.
    • type {String}: Type of the album.
    • url {String}: URL of the album.

Album type may include the following types:

'all'All albums
'sub'A single album


edger.album.query().then((payload) => {
  payload.albums.forEach((album) => {
    const { type, name, path, url, count } = album;
    console.log("albums info:", type, name, path, url, count);
}).catch(error => {

async / await

async function albumQuery() {
  try {
    const payload = await edger.album.query();
    payload.albums.forEach((album) => {
    const { type, name, path, url, count } = album;
      console.log("albums info:", type, name, path, url, count);
  } catch (error) {


Query media file information within a specific album directory.

  • params {Object} Parameters for the album directory.
  • Returns: {Promise} Fulfill upon success with an object.

The params is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • name {String}: The name of the album.
  • order {String}: Sorting order for the album. Optional values: desc | asc. Optional.
  • limit {Number}: The current page size of the album directory query. The default value is -1, indicating retrieval of all entries. Optional.
  • index {Number}: The current page number for the album directory query. Optional.
  • condition {Object}: Additional conditions for the album directory query. Optional. It can contain the following members:
    • beginAt {Number}: The start time for the album directory query. Optional.
    • endAt {Number}: The end time for the album directory query. Optional.
    • type {String}: The type of the album.

Album type may include the following types:

'all'All albums
'sub'A single album

The returned object can contain the following members:

  • count {Number} Count.
  • items {Array} Array of mediaFile.

The items in the returned object is an array of mediaFile, each of which may contain the following members:

  • id {String} File ID.
  • name {String} File Name.
  • path {String} File path.
  • size {String} File size.
  • type {String} File Type. Optional values: video | livephoto | livephoto#mov | picture | file | directory.
  • mtime {Number} Modification timestamp of the file (millisecond from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
  • birthtime {Number} Creation timestamp of the file (millisecond from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
  • media {Object} Media object.

The media in mediaFile is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • url {String} Media URL.
  • mov {Object} IOS livephoto object. Optional.
  • thumbnail {Object} Thumbnail object.
  • detail {Object} More details.

The mov in media is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • type {String} Livephoto type. Optional values: livephoto | livephoto#mov
  • size {Number} Livephoto size.
  • path {String} Livephoto path.
  • url {String} Livephoto url.

The thumbnail in media is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • type {String} Thumbnail type. Optional values: picture.
  • size {Number} Thumbnail size. Optional.
  • path {String} Thumbnail path.
  • url {String} Thumbnail url.

The detail in media is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • latitude {Number} Latitude of file generation. Optional.
  • longitude {Number} Longitude of file generation. Optional.
  • altitude {Number} Altitude of file generation. Optional.
  • width {Number} Width of the image or video.
  • height {Number} Height of the image or video.
  • duration {Number} Playback duration. Optional.


const params = {
  name: 'Camera',
  order: 'desc',
  limit: 100,
  index: 0

edger.album.dir(params).then((payload) => {
  const { count, items } = payload;
  console.log("album count:", count);

  items.forEach((item) => {
    const { id, name, size, type, path, birthtime, mtime, media } = item;
    console.log("album dir info:", id, name, size, type, path, birthtime, mtime, media);
}).catch(error => {

async / await

async function albumDir() {
  try {
    const payload = await edger.album.dir(params);
    const { count, items } = payload;
    console.log("album count:", count);

    items.forEach((item) => {
      const { id, name, size, type, path, birthtime, mtime, media } = item;
      console.log("album dir info:", id, name, size, type, path, birthtime, mtime, media);
  } catch (error) {
}, headers)

Save images or video media files to the system's file storage.

  • params {Object} Basic request parameters.
  • headers {Object} Custom request header parameters. Default: {}.
  • Returns: {Promise} Fulfill upon success with an object.

The params is an object, it can contain the following members:

  • url {String} Source download path.
  • type {String} File type. Optional values: picture | video.
  • fileExt {String} Extension. When the type is picture, the default is jpg; When the type is video, the default is mp4. Optional.
  • saveSystem {Boolean} If true, save to the system directory, the path is usually Picture/. If false, save to the EOS/ directory. Default: true. It only takes effect in Android. Optional.

Get an object of result, the object includes:

  • id {String} File ID.


const params = {
  url: '',
  type: 'picture'
const headers = {};, headers).then((payload) => {
  console.log('album save success',;
}).catch(error => {

async / await

async function albumSave() {
  try {
    const payload = await, headers);
    console.log('album save success',;
  } catch (error) {


The unified event listener provided by Web-SDK:

const listener = (payload) => {
  // Event handling...

// add listener
edger.album.addEventListener('some-event', listener);

// or 
// onAction() is an alias of addEventListener().
edger.album.onAction('some-event', listener);

// remove listener
edger.album.removeEventListener('some-event', listener);

// remove all listeners


Triggered when the album content changes.

  • Returns: {Object} This mediaFile object. The mediaFile object has a status attribute, it indicates the status of the current album.


const listener =  (payload) => {
  payload.items.forEach((item) => {
    const { status, name, size, type, birthtime, mtime, media } = item;
    console.log("album change dir info:", status, name, size, type, birthtime, mtime, media);

edger.album.addEventListener('change', listener);